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東京大学大学院情報理工学系研究科 数理情報学専攻 山西健司のウェブサイトです。

山西健司プロフィール 研究分野 研究内容の詳細 著作 論文・講演 学会・専門活動 リンク


1. 講義

東京大学工学部計数工学科(2017年より毎S1/S2ターム) 担当:「機械学習の数理」



東京大学工学部計数工学科(2009年~2016年) 担当:「確率数理工学」

東京大学大学院特別講義講師(Jul.2007) 担当:「先端技術特別講義」

東京大学大学院非常勤講師 (Nov.2000 ー Feb.2001) 担当:特別講義「情報論的学習理論」

2. 学会委員


Entropy, Special Issue: Information-theoretic Learning, Guest Editor

International Journal of Data Science and Analytics Associate Editor

Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS) Journal Associate Editor

Senior program committee member on KDD2014

Program chairs (jointly with Jun-ichi Takeuchi) of WITMSE 2013

JSTさきがけ 「ビッグデータ基盤」領域アドバイザー

Senior program committee member on KDD2013

Honorary Chairs on WITMSE2012


Program committee member on KDD2012


Program committee member on KDD2011

Technical Co-chair on WITSME2011

Program committee member on ALT2011

Latent Dynamics研究会オーガナイザー 2010--

Program committee member on ALT2010

Technical Co-chair on WITMSE2010

電子情報通信学会 情報論的学習理論と機械学習研究会 委員長, 2010—

Senior program committee member on ACML2010

Program committee member on KDD2010

Program committee member on ACML2009

Program committee member on KDD2007

Program committee member on KDD2006

Program committee member on KDD2005

Program committee member on ALT2005

IJCAI2005 Program committee member

Program committee member on KDD2004 (ACM Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)

Co-Chair on IJCNLP2004 (First International Conference on Natural Language Processing), 2004.

電子情報通信学会論文誌D 「情報論的学習理論特集」編集委員, 2004.

Program committee member on OTC-03 (3rd Workshop on Operational Text Classification), 2003.

Program committee member on DS'02 (Conference on Discovery Science), 2002.

電子情報通信学会論文誌D 「情報論的学習理論特集」編集委員, 2002.


2002年情報論的学習理論ワークショップ  IBIS 2002 (Information-Based Induction Sciences)プログラム委員, 2002.

電子情報通信学会論文誌D 「情報論的学習理論特集」プログラム委員, 2001.

電子情報通信学会和文論文誌A 編集委員 2001-2005.

電子情報通信学会 情報論的学習理論時限研究専門委員会 委員長, 2001--2003.


電子情報通信学会和文論文誌D ソサイエティ編集委員 2001-2002.

2001年情報論的学習理論ワークショップ  IBIS 2001 (Information-Based Induction Sciences)プログラム委員, 2001.

2000年情報論的学習理論ワークショップ IBIS 2000 (Information-Based Induction Sciences)プログラム委員, 2000.

人工知能学会誌「情報論的学習理論特集号」プログラム委員, 2000.


電子情報通信学会論文誌A [情報論的学習理論特集」編集委員長, 1999.

計測と制御、特集「情報理論・統計学と機械学習技術」ゲストエディタ 1999.

Program committee member on COLT'99 (ACM Conference on Computational Learning Theory), 1999.

1999年情報論的学習理論ワークショップ IBIS'99 (Information-Based Induction Sciences)プログラム委員長, 1999.

1998年情報論的学習理論ワークショップIBIS'98 (Information-Based Induction Sciences)実行委員長 , 1998.

Advisory committee member on COLT'97 (International Conderence on Computational Learning Theory), 1997.

Program committee member on ALT'96 (Workshop on Algorithmic Learning Theory), 1996.

Program committee member on WCNN'95 (World Conference on Neural Networks), 1995.

Program committee member on ML'95 (International Conference on Machine Learning), 1995.

Program committee member on EuroCOLT'95 (European Conference on Computational Learning Theory), 1995.

Program committee member on ML'94 (International Conference on Machine Learning), 1994.

Member of COLT (Computational Learning Theory) Working Group since 1994.

Program committee member on COLT'93 (ACM Conference on Computational Learning Theory), 1993.

3. Journal査読委員

Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS) Journal

Journal of Japan Society for Artificial Intelligence

Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems

IEICE (The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers) Transactions.

Information Processing Letters.

Theoretical Computer Science.

Machine Learning.

SIAM Journal on Computing.

Information and Computation.

Journal of Computer and System Sciences.

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks.

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.

4. Tenure/Dissertation 審査委員

So Hirai --- received PhD with the paper; &Detecting Model Changes and their Early Warning Signals with the Minimum Description Length Principle."

Atsushi Suzuki --- received PhD with the paper; " Machine Learning over Space Form."

Kohei Mitaguchi --- received PhD with the paper; " Learning High-dimensional Models with the Minimum Description Length Principle."

Petri Kontkanen --- received PhD with the paper; "Computationally Efficient Methods for MDL-Optimal Density Estimation and Data Clustering."

Peter Grunwald ---  Received Ph.D with the paper "The Minimum Description Length Principle and Reasoning Under Uncertainty"from Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1999.

Vijay Ragavan ---  Promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in Vanderbilt University, 1995.